Location: Accra, Accra, Ghana

Franklin Cudjoe is head of Ghanaian think-tank Imani: The Centre for Humane Education, whose vision is to educate and create a core of young scholars that will promote market oriented policies throughout Africa. He was formerly a programme officer and research assistant at the Institute of Economic Affairs in Ghana. A Land Economist by training, Franklin works closely with partner think-tanks across the world to promote public policy ideas in Ghana and abroad. He is a frequent commentator in print and broadcast media about Africa development issues, including appearances on BBC, CBC, Swiss and Swedish National TV, Austrian National Radio and varied local Ghanaian media, and has been published or quoted in the Ghanaian Daily Graphic Accra Daily Mail, Ghana Web, My Joy online, London's Daily Telegraph,The Wall Street Journal, El Mercurio (Chile), La Republica (Costa Rica),the Ottawa Citizen, the San Francisco Chronicle, Netzeitung Voice Of Germany, and many others. Franklin speaks to policy makers, students groups in Ghana and abroad. Franklin is an Adjunct Fellow at the Independent Institute in the USA and the International Policy Network in London.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Debate on Internet Governance

Whose Internet is It Anyway?

Who should have control of the internet, or is control even desirable or possible? Is it to be viewed as a human construct, owned by its many creators, or is it more like a global public utility, or a natural resource? Here to debate the question of whether or not the internet should or can be controlled, and if so, who should do the controlling, are Michael Barone of US News & World Report, Perry De Havilland of Samzdata, Franklin Cudjoe of Imani Ghana and Peng Hwa Ang of the UN’s Working Group on Internet Governance.

See trancript on debate here


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